Looking for a deal?
Well there's a new girl in town
With all the new trends.
Want a great bargain
But still have the coolest looks
With money to spare?
Kelly's the new girl
Who hangs out at the Cube
It's inside Marshalls!
The same hot brand names
But for only half the price
Who hid my wallet??
A unique boutique
That's easy and fun to shop,
Navigate and browse!
But wait... could it be??
Shoes, bags and sunglasses too
It must be heaven!!
Can you believe it!?
Two hundred dollars in clothes
70% off!!
Yes, you heard me right
All that stuff for sixty bucks
This Lassie sure scored!
Two new Roxy shirts
O'Neil cords, Billabong too
And a new black dress.
Oh, and don't forget
My favorite purchase of all
A new Roxy purse!
So grab your wallet
And head over to Marshalls
Kelly is at the Cube!!